Happy Financial Planning Week!

Did you know this week is Financial Planning Week? Every year, the Financial Planning Association (FPA) holds Financial Planning Week, to remind Australians about the importance of financial planning.

The theme for this year is “Live the Dream” and I think it’s a great reminder of why we need a plan in place to realise our biggest dreams. After all, financial planning is not just about numbers – it’s about deciding what we want out of life, then putting in steps to achieve it. It’s also a nice reminder about the importance of financial independence – whatever life stage we find ourselves at.

The FPA has also launched a social media competition, giving you the chance to WIN $5,000 by sharing in 100 words or less how $5,000 will help you #getaplan and bring your dreams to life. I encourage you to enter the competition and share it on Facebook with your family and friends.

Something you might also find interesting is the Live the Dream research report which has some eye-opening insights into the traits, attitudes and behaviours of Australians who feel they are living the dream. The report highlights that one in four Australians believe they are living the dream, and those who are “mostly” or “definitely” living the dream are three times more likely to seek advice from a financial planner.

The report deep dives into how we are going as a nation at living out our dreams and is well worth a read.

You can enter the competition, access the Live the Dream research report and watch some inspiring videos featuring Australians from all walks of life, at www.moneyandlife.com.au/livethedream